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P 18OO _ W_ _ - - -- Wz_L5W_1
Fjg. 4. Drgj_ p_ug o_ ovg_d_ivg. Fig, __ Filling plug on fingI drive_
O 75 litre (1'/4 Imp pints=1'/z US pints). For gear- _ b h d e .th th e
' ' oi must e c ange or any reason wi e s eer- _
boKes with overdrive SAE 3O engine oil is used b f d . h h _d ._ t b k d
' ing oK itte in t e car, t e o oi mus e suc e
all year round The oil changing quantity in this b_ _ e _
_ out with a suita e app iance, or eKamp e, a sy-
_ case is 1 8 litres (3'/4 Imp. pints=4 US pints). . h. h . . d th h eh e.__. h _
_ ' ringe w ic is inserte roug e i ing o e.
FINAL DRIVE oi_ ig fi1_ed in through the fiIIing hole after the
With a new or reconditioned final drive the oil p1ug has been removed, see Fig. 6. The oil should _
should be changed after the first 5 OOO km (3 OOO reach up to the filling hole. Screw in and tighten
miles). After this, the oil need only be changed ěn ehe plug.
connection with recondition'ing d _ d f h . b __
' SAE 8O hypoi oi is use or t e steering oK 8
The oil should be changed immediately after driv- d Th ._ . . o _5 _. i,/ l
year roun . 8 oi capacity is . itre z mp.
ing while it is stiIl warm Since there is no drain . ,/ uS . )
_ pint= $ pint .
plug on the fínal drive, the oil is sucked up through
the filling hole. The oil can also be emptied by
removing the cover. In this case great care must
be faken to _sure that no dirt gets into the gears.
Check that the cover gasket is undamaged, other-
wise replace it.
Fill up with new oil to the edge of the filling hole
(Fig. 5). Screw in and tighten the plug.
Use SAE 8O hypoid oil all year round. The chang-
_ing quant_ity _jg _ 3 l_iereg (2l/ lmp p_intg-_3/
_ ' _ - ' _
US pints).
. The oil in the steering boK normally only needs v_wLv,o
changing in connection with reconditioning If the Fig 6 Filling plug on gt$gríng _o_ _
- _ _ _ _
l N _ T R U _ Tl O N _ FO R _ U G
B R l _ AT l N G
A N D _ _ EA N l W
_E____NG _HE OlL F_L_ER 1. Clean the parts of the engine around the oil
Th _ e __ f_le h ld b l d filter in ofder to prevent dift frOm getting into
e COmp e e Ol l 0r S OU e rep aCe eVely
_o ooo k (6 ooo _l ) w_eh d_ the lubricating SyStem when femOving_
m ml eS . l a n0W Of rgCOn l-
tioned engine it should, in addition, be repIaced 2. Unscrew the oil eilter anti-clockwise with the
after the first 5 OOO km (3 OOO měles). _ heIp of chain tongs as shown in Fig. 7. Screw
1 - 2 .